Cortland tiredCortland is the story of a young graphic designer and his adventures in the world of freelancing and Macintosh computers. His story is something of a cross between Dilbert and a Mac-themed version of the Da Vinci code, with plenty of Apple history working its way into the story line. I started drawing it for the e-zine About This Particular Macintosh back in 2002 and didn’t know where to stop. I drew the comic until 2008 and then kept many of the characters alive in a second comic called Out at Five.

About the author

My name’s Matt Johnson, and I’ve been drawing comics online since I graduated from college in 2002. I started hosting my comic on Comic Genesis in 2004 (then called Keenspace), where I made several great friends and learned a lot about making comics through the daily grind of producing Cortland every weekday. Together we had several comic meet-ups in St. Louis, Toronto, Minneapolis, Nashville, and even London, England. We even held a comic meetup in our own home in Omaha, playing host to eleven or so other cool comic peeps.

I’ve since gotten married, settled down in Omaha, and had a couple kids. I’m a graphic designer by day, and I used all the crazy experiences from my previous careers to create Out at Five, which started on March 16, 2009. It still updates every now and then. Having a pair of rambunctious kids keeps us busy, but it also provides insight into new comic ideas down the road.

If you want to contact me, the easiest way is email. You can also comment on comics right here on the site, so give it a try! Feedback keeps me motivated. ^_^